
Back pain and sleep
I bought a small bottle of oil as I was interested to see the effect it’d have on my long term spine problems (it’s basically fossilised which, at 44, isn’t ideal but hey ho). Cue no spinal pain for weeks BUT a bad bout of insomnia- nothing was helping; then I remembered the oil. I can genuinely say I am sleeping so much better since taking it and even when I do wake up in the middle of the night I can now get back to sleep. Fantastic product.
And still no back pain.
- Laura Essex, UK
The information and support from Cannica has been amazing and life changing for me.
I have rhinitis due to an under-active thyroid, the difference since i started taking CBD in November has been amazing, i was constantly congested unable to breath through my nose, but had a permanent drippy nose my gp treated with antibiotics which cleared it only short term and given nasal sprays which are impossible to use when your so congested you can’t snort them.
- Lindsey Essex, UK Read full story >